The Town of New Canaan invites families and the entire community to attend the Memorial Day Parade and ceremonies on Monday, May 29.
The theme of our Parade is “To remember with gratitude and honor the proud men and women who gave their lives while serving in the US Armed Forces to protect and preserve a life of freedom for all Americans,” according to First Selectman Rob Mallozzi III.
The Parade will start promptly at 9:30 a.m. and will conclude with the ceremony at Lakeview Cemetery. The Memorial Day Ceremony will feature: First Selectman’s introduction, clergy invocation, Star Spangled Banner – Raising of the Flag by the Town Band; Pledge of Allegiance; Veterans Ceremony with VFW Commander; Guest Speaker; Girl Scouts leading God Bless America; VFW – Gun Salute – Taps; Town Band; and clergy benediction.
For Line of March, click here.
In the event of heavy rain, a cancellation notice will be posted on the Town website, and at In place of the parade a Memorial Day Ceremony would take place in Town Hall with limited seating.
Flags at Lakeview Cemetery
Community members are encouraged to assist New Canaan’s Veterans of Foreign Wars as they place a new flag on the gravesite of every Veteran buried in New Canaan. The flag placing will be Saturday, May 27, at 8 a.m. Participants should meet at the lower Veterans section of Lakeview Cemetery, using the Main Street entrance. All are welcome. Any questions should be addressed to VFW Post Commander Peter C. Langenus at 203-966-7480.
Veterans that want to participate in the parade and specifically need to ride in a vehicle during the parade route, please contact the VFW Post Commander Peter C. Langenus at 203-966-7480 or via email at
Any Veteran attending the Memorial Day Parade Ceremony should feel free to take a seat in the chairs provided at Lakeview Cemetery.
Further details will be published as they become available.
Questions may be directed to the First Selectman’s office, 203-594-3000.
(courtesy of the New Canaan Advertiser).