Sharpening the knife to cut the beef steakGet your knives sharpened for your holiday feast at Walter Stewart’s Market. Sharpening is provided by Elizabeth Colwell of The Wire Whisk.

  • How it Works:
    • Drop off your knives at the Walter Stewart’s Market (by 10am to ensure you get them back the text day)
    • Fill out the sharpening form. Forms are also available at the store’s service desk.
    • Knives will be ready the following day and you will be notified by email
    • Payment required when dropping off your knives by cash or check payable to “Elizabeth Colwell” or venmo  Cost $6 per knife any size  ($9/scissors)

Thanksgiving Sharpening Schedule:

  • Daily Pick Up Monday Nov. 6th – Wednesday Nov. 26th:  Drop off your knives at the service desk by 10am, they will be sharpened and ready for pickup the following day.
  • Tuesday Nov 26th: Will be the last pickup before Thanksgiving.  Drop off knives by 10am and they will be ready by 10am the following day.
  • Tuesday Dec. 3rd: Back to our normal weekly sharpening schedule. Tuesday and Thursday pickup at 10am with a 24hr turnaround time.

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