The Young Women’s League of New Canaan and Walter Stewart’s Market teamed up again this year to donate 100 turkeys and over 20 Thanksgiving meal tote bags to Person-to-Person’s annual Thanksgiving Dinner Drive. The dinners were distributed to local families in need by Person to Person in Darien.
Walter Stewart’s shoppers reached the goal of purchasing more than 100 turkeys to complete the Thanksgiving dinners by donating back their T-Bill balances earned, during the Donation Days drive in earlier this month.
Walter Stewart’s also donated of $1614.64 to participating New Canaan charitable organizations in November, proceeds from the market’s recent Anniversary T-Bill Donation Days drive. 15 New Canaan non-profits designated by Walter Stewart’s shoppers will receive checks this week:
The Food Pantry ($400), Strays & Others ($261.25), ABC Program ($225), NC Community Foundation ($65), Horizons ($70), New Canaan Nature Center ($80), Staying Put ($95.05), New Canaan Library ($97.27), NC Chapter of Red Cross ($103.45), New Canaan Cares ($25), YMCA ($61.35), Young Women’s League ($25), NC Mounted Troop ($25), Outback Teen Center ($25), Get About Van ($61.27).
Walter Stewart’s will hold its annual Holiday T-Bill drive in December.