citrusbasilfishLisa Corrado of Lisa Corrado Nutrition shared a great story with us about a simple but tasty fish recipe the whole family will enjoy. She mentioned that she can’t take credit for this recipe – her husband came up with it! Upon bringing home a piece of monkfish Lisa asked him to use his imagination. After browsing the internet for inspiration, this is what he came up with. We bet it’d be good on salmon, halibut, chicken and pork too. It’s delicious! Makes 4 servings.

Citrus Basil Fish 


½ of a large onion, chopped

4 cloves garlic, chopped

juice and zest of half of a lime

juice of half of a lemon

1 large handful of basil, chopped

1 teaspoon ground cumin

about ¼ cup of extra-virgin olive oil

1 pound firm flesh fish, like monk or salmon


Heat grill or grill pan to medium heat. Whiz up the first six ingredients (onion through cumin) in a mini food processor. Add enough oil to make a thick paste. You want it thick enough to make a sort of crust on the fish. Spread the marinade on top of the fish. Let sit, refrigerated, for 30 minutes. Grill fish without flipping over (to keep the coating intact) until it’s cooked, about 20 – 25 minutes depending upon the size of the filet. Enjoy and soak up the compliments!

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