Our youngest shoppers are invited to enter our annual Apple Season Coloring Contest. The contest is for “most imaginative” and any medium is okay, from crayons to glitter. We will select choose three young artists, one from each age group: 5 and under; 7 and under; and 10 and under. Each winner will win a gift card from Elm Street Books! All participant’s artwork will be displayed in the store. Please submit by Wednesday October 28th. Coloring forms are available at any checkout or online. Have fun!
Download the coloring contest form
Pinkalicious Coloring Contest Winner, Finalists Announced

Skylar Elizabeth Mascarinas, age 8 and her sister Peyton Isabelle Mascarinas, age 5 will be hosting a special party stage-side at the Summer Theatre of New Canaan’s family show PINKALICIOUS this Sunday. Staff of Walter Stewart’s and the Summer Theatre selected The Pinkalicious coloring contest winner Skylar Elizabeth, as well as 3 finalists (including her sister Peyton). All coloring contest entries are displayed in aisle 4 of Walter Stewart’s. Children up to 9 years old submitted colored pictures of Pinkalicious and the winner will receive tickets for a party of friends at this sunday’s performance. The party will include food and beverages from Walter Stewart’s Market The Summer Theatre of New Canaan is staging performances of critically-acclaimed Grease as well as children’s shows (Pinkalicious, the Little Mermaid, and The Cat in the Hat) at Waveny Park through August 11th. Click here to check out their show calendar.
Enter the Pinkalicious Coloring Contest
Walter Stewart’s and The Summer Theatre of New Canaan have teamed up to launch another fun summer coloring contest! We invite our youngest shoppers (age 9 and under) to enter our Pinkalicious Coloring Contest for a chance to Win a Party for You and 5 Friends at the Summer Theatre of NC August 11th Performance of Pinkalicious the Musical. Entries are available at the customer service desk and any checkout at Walter Stewart’s and online. Please return forms by August 3rd.
Cat in the Hat Coloring Contest Winner Announced

Drew Burr, age 5, and his sister Miller, age 6, will be hosting a special party stage-side at the Summer Theatre of New Canaan’s young family show THE CAT IN THE HAT. Staff of Walter Stewart’s and the Summer Theatre selected The Cat in the Hat coloring contest winner, as well as 4 finalists. All coloring contest entries are displayed in aisle 4 of Walter Stewart’s. Children up to 9 years old submitted colored pictures of The Cat in the Hat and the winner will receive tickets for a party of friends at a upcoming summer production of the show. Performances of Dr. Seuss’s The Cat in the Hat at Waveny Park are on Saturdays and Sundays (through August 11th). The party will include food and beverages from Walter Stewart’s Market. Stay tuned for our Pinkalicious Coloring Contest later this month!
Apple Season Coloring Contest Winners
Walter Stewart’s announces the winners of this year’s Apple Coloring Contest. The contest was open to children, ages 9 and under, and three winners were selected for the “most imaginative” entries, but once again it was no easy task for the panel of judges at Walter Stewart’s to choose just three winners since all of the coloring submissions were extremely impressive by yet another talented group of young local artists. Ally Shulman (pictured with her brother Matty and Alex Stewart), aged 5, Abby Thomas (pictured with her brothers and Alex Stewart), aged 7, and Ellie Grogan (pictured with Alex Stewart), aged 9, were selected as winners in their respective age groups and won gift cards to New Canaan Toy Store. The winning entries along with all of this year’s excellent submissions are currently displayed in Walter Stewart’s as well as their facebook page (facebook.com/walterstewarts).
Walter Stewart’s will announce it’s next coloring contest later this week.