Enjoy everything you love about a burrito in this breakfast frittata recipe from Eggland’s Best, easily adaptable with your own favorite ingredients and toppings.
Continue readingA Very Berry Breakfast
With the local berry season well underway, we are full of many varieties of organic berries from all our local growers. Lisi from Lisi’s Luscious Desserts shares a healthy hot cereal ripe for your special touches. The hot cereal could be McCann’s Steel Cut Irish Oats or Bob’s Red Mill Steel Cut Oats, available here at the store. The cereal is cooked with berries and its combined with a little cold almond milk (or milk, soy or rice milk) and the addition of fresh cold fruits (the more colorful the better) which can make for a lot of happy campers. You can also make this with chopped apples, raisins, dried cherries and cinnamon too.
A Very Berry Breakfast
1/2 cup hot cereal (your choice!)
pomegranate seeds (so good if you can find)
any other fruit – mango is nice, red currants too
1-2 teaspoons sugar (brown is nice) or small bit of Truvia
1/3 cup cold milk (I use unsweetened almond milk – but any milk will do)
Measure cereal according to package and add water (this one calls for a cup). Mix in about 4-5 raspberries and 3-4 blackberries. Place in microwave for 2.5-3 minutes. The fruits will soften and liquefy to some extent and flavor the whole bowl with berry! Be careful pulling out as it is very hot. Sprinkle with sugar or Truvia. Top with cold milk. Heap on cold fruits.
Begin eating 🙂 A nice addition: Flax seed or wheat germ too.