When we say Local we mean Local! We take our commitment to supporting our local community as well as providing a market for the best CT artisans, farmers and producers of first-rate foods very seriously. So many local producers have gotten their at Walter Stewart’s over the years. We will continue to offer our customers the finest local CT fare. Shop Stewart’s for Fat Stone Farm Organic Syrup; Little’s Cuisine Seasoning Mixes; Stonewall Apiary Honey; Farmstead Cheeses from Cato Corner Farm and Beltane Farm; Millstone Farm Tomato Sauces, Pickles, and Organic Eggs; Arethusa Farm Milk; Wave Hill Breads; Artisan Desserts from Sweet Sabrina’s; Four Plus Granola; Lulu’s Southern Pies; Paleo Passion Foods Frozen Pops; Blackbird’s Pies; Shearwater Organic Coffee; Heavenly Bites Cake Bites; Gilbertie’s Herbs; Litchfield Distillery Bourbon; Two Roads Craft Beers and so many more! Shop Local, Shop Stewart’s!
Your Everyday Farmer’s Market
The word “Local” has become a trendy buzz word used very loosely these days. But for us Local is anything but a trend. Our commitment to supporting our local community as well as providing a market for the best CT artisans, farmers and producers of first-rate foods is long-standing and solid. We will continue to offer our customers the finest local CT fare . . . Shop Stewart’s this season for Lyman Orchard’s Apples & Pears, Blue Jay Orchard’s Apple Cider Donuts, Farmstead Cheeses from Cato Corner Farm and Beltane Farm, Heavenly Bites, Sweet Sabrina’s Cakes, SweetLee’s Cookie Dough, Shearwater Organic Coffee, Arethusa Milk, and so much more!
Shop Fresh. Shop Local Shop Stewart’s!